Downtown Vision Plan

As the County seat of Maryland’s Prince George’s County, Upper Marlboro had historically punched above its weight economically. Despite having less than 700 residents, it was the cultural and retail center for the area and had a thriving downtown. Over time, however, the downtown lost its luster and gradually slipped into neglect and irrelevance.

City officials in Upper Marlboro had a goal to transform its downtown into a vibrant, inclusive space. They hired Better City advisors to partner on creating a vision plan that included a rebranding of the town’s logo and messaging. Through interviews, surveys, and public meetings, a clear vision emerged — a throw-back town where people know each others names and the downtown is a relaxing, safe, inviting place for families and community members. 

The Vision Plan identified 17 priorities for making the downtown vibrant, connected, and safe. 

A new Logo and Brand Guide were developed as a quick-win to kickoff the revitalization process. 

The Action Plan then defined nine specific short- and medium-term projects to enhance vibrancy and catalyze investment in downtown. Project funding mechanisms were identified, including PILOT, to be used for downtown streetscape and infrastructure improvements. Currently the Better City team is working to secure funding to implement the Action Plan.

[updated logo for the town of Upper Marlboro, Maryland]

Check out Upper Marlboro's new logo!

As part of Upper Marlboro’s brand identity redesign, the town logo was reimagined. This was a collaborative process from start to finish between residents, town officials and leaders. The new logo reflects the Town of Upper Marlboro’s unified and forward-looking vision. 

[headshot of economic development advisor and CEO, Jason]

Contact the project lead

Jason currently works as the project lead in our engagement with Upper Marlboro. If you'd like to learn more about what Better City is doing in Upper Marlboro, send Jason an email.

[email protected]

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