Downtown Development
Clearfield, Utah

Clearfield City wanted to create a new downtown. They asked us to help make it happen.

In 2016, Clearfield City adopted a resolution to their General Plan—the Downtown Clearfield Small Area Plan. This plan called for the strategic redevelopment of a large 1970s-era shopping center, a 100-unit mobile home park, and a 3 acre (hidden) pond. Better City completed a feasibility study for the project area which outlines a use mix and site layout that is both market-driven and that plays into Clearfield’s long term downtown plans.

We are currently in the implementation phase and have successfully recruited in a master developer and several anchor tenants including a hotel, entertainment venue, and dining options. The Better City team is playing a key role working with the City, developers, and landowners to make the City’s dream become a reality.

Take a look at the project that helped strategically develop this Utah community.

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